Children's Week is Coming: April 29 - May 5th

Children's Week is coming! Taking place once a year in Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Dalaran, and Shattrath City, this week-long celebration is a time to give back to the innocents orphaned by war.

    This year, the holiday will begin on April 29 and will end on May 5. Take an orphan under your wing, perform the tasks you are presented with and you’ll show one of Azeroth’s children that you care (and be rewarded with a special in-game pet to boot).

Event Details:

  When:    April 29 - May 5th

  Where:   •Alliance: Orphan Matron Nightingale in Stormwind

                  •Horde: Orphan Matron Battlewail in Orgrimmar

                  •All Factions: Orphan Matron Mercy in Shattrath City, Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran.


  •Visit famous landmarks with one of Azeroth’s orphans by your side, embark on adventures across the lands of Azeroth, and bring your young friend back to the orphanage.

Pet Rewards:

•Mr. Wiggles - summoned with the Piglet's Collar, this cute piglet is one of the reward options available from your faction capital city quest.

•Whiskers - summoned with the Rat Cage, this cute baby rat is one of the reward options available from your faction capital city quest.

•Speedy - summoned with the Turtle Box, this cute baby turtle is one of the reward options available from your faction capital city quest.

•Scooter - summoned with the Snail Shell, this adorable baby snail is one of the reward options available from your faction capital city quest.

•Egbert - summoned with the Egbert's Egg, this cute baby hawkstrider is one of the reward options available from the “Back to the Orphanage” quest, which begins with Orphan Matron Mercy in Shattrath City.

•Peanut - summoned with the Elekk Training Collar, this cute baby elekk is one of the reward options available from the “Back to the Orphanage” quest, which begins with Orphan Matron Mercy in Shattrath City.

•Sleepy Willy - this baby floating eye will occasionally wake from his nap to kill a nearby creature classified in the game as a "critter." He is one of the reward options available from the “Back to the Orphanage” quest, which begins with Orphan Matron Mercy in Shattrath City.

•Legs - this cute baby Spore Walker is one of the reward options available from the “Back to the Orphanage” quest, which begins with Orphan Matron Mercy in Shattrath City.

•Curious Oracle Hatchling - this little companion can be obtained during Northrend Children's Week by completing a quest chain.

•Curious Wolvar Pup - this little companion can be obtained during Northrend Children's Week by completing a quest chain.


Other Rewards:

•Achievements: Children's Week currently offers a total of 110 achievement points, split over seven achievements and one meta-achievement. *Please note that achievement objectives between the Horde and Alliance are nearly the same, though there are some minor differences.

•Titles: Matron or Patron, depending on the gender of your character, granted for completing the meta-achievement “For the Children.”