Dialo 3 Season 9 Leveling and Event Community Guides
A week has passed since Season 9 went alive. Here’re some community guides for Season 9 (originally from Diablofans)
Community Leveling Guides
Get the most out of Season 9 by referencing these information-packed guides from your fellow Diablo 3 players. The guides below include both video and written content, and you can even find a leveling guide for your specific class.
- Wolfcryer's Leveling, Gear, and Paragon Guide
- Wolfcryer's guide includes general leveling tips, suggestions for gearing up, and advice on how to level your paragon early in the season. His YouTube channel also includes a variety of build guides, general Season 9 content, and more.
- Bluddshed's Leveling Guide
- Bluddshed's Leveling Guide highlights the fastest way to level in Season 9, and his YouTube channel includes a variety of build videos to browse as well.
- fstd3's Pocket Guide
- The guide that fst has created includes leveling hints, class set information, and links to other useful resources from various websites.
- TeamBRG's Leveling Guide
- TeamBRG has been gaming together for over two decades, and their Diablo 3 guides demonstrate their in-depth knowledge and experience with the game. In addition to their Leveling Guide, it's also worth checking out their speedfarming guide and individual class guides.
- Desolacer's Leveling Guide
- From builds to gameplay videos, Desolacer has created a myriad of Diablo 3 content for his fellow players. His leveling resource includes guides for each class, so you can easily find the content that is best suited for your character.
Community Anniversary Event Guides
The current Diablo 3 Anniversary Event extends through the end of this month, so there's still plenty of time to get in on the action. The below walkthrough and guide will ensure that you receive every cosmetic, pet, and portrait included in this event.
- Rhykker's Event Walkthrough
- Watch Rhykker conduct a full playthrough of the anniversary event and obtain the new helm transmog and two new pets.
- Rhykker's Event Guide
- In addition to his walkthrough, Rhykker created a thorough guide on how to obtain all of the cosmetics, pets, portraits, achievements, and other anniversary items.
PS: SSE-GAMES is ready to provide great power leveling service for you. Check it out by clicking here.