Facebook bonus: get a coupon code with 5% discount

This November is an exciting month—Warlords of Draenor is waiting right ahead. It’s the 10th anniversary of WOW and sse has just had it’s 8th birthday, during which time, sse-games.com has won a lot of customers who keep supporting us. We are always improving and doing our best to bring the best services we can do to our customers. We’d like more people to get to know our site and let more people happily experience, which is our mission statement. Now we are giving a facebook bonus. 

Our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ssegames 

If you have done one of the following, please contact us by sending us a private message at  www.facebook.com/ssegames After we confirm, we will deliver you a coupon code for a 5% discount which you can use on any product we have when you check out.  

1. Like our facebook page and comment under any of the events.                         

2. Like our facebook page and post a positive review of our site on our facebook page timeline.  

3. Like our facebook page and share our events(with the link our site) to public (not just your friends).

If you already liked our page, then

 4. Do any of the above (comment, post or share) and introduce at least one of your friends to like it (it would be better if your friends also play games so that they can benefit too). 


a. The “like” at our page should not be canceled and what you have shared should be kept at least for a week.                 

b. When you are giving a review, suggestions are appreciated too.                                                                                                 

c. By liking our page, you can also get the first hand promotion news of our site. 

Thanks for your support.