Launch Day Preparation guide for Diablo III

As we know, Diablo III will live on May 152012. To help you enjoy better, kit4game have updated some additional detailsto share on what to expect, how to prepare, and when you’ll be able to begininstalling and playing.

1.      Purchase the Game

If you have not purchased Diablo III, youcan acquire it directly from us. You can alsopreorder the game at most major retailers and fine purveyors of high qualitygaming products worldwide. If you want the Collector’s Edition , we recommendcalling around and checking if your local retailers will have .

 2.      Create Your BattleTag™

We expect that on launch night both thegame service and website will be under very heavy strain due to the immensenumber of people excited to begin playing Diablo III. With that in mind wehighly recommend you create your BattleTag now, as it´s required to play DiabloIII.

 Launch Times:  For the European region, the game serverswill go live at 00:01 CEST on May 15.

 Digital Presale Download

If you’ve purchased a digital copy you canbegin downloading your client right now, and we highly encourage you to do so.As it may take you some time to download the full game, it’s best that youbegin early.

 Early Install

Blizzard will be unlocking the game'sinstaller at 17:01 CEST on May 14. This will allow you to begin installing thegame, troubleshoot any issues you run into, download and install the launch day1.0.1 patch, and be ready to play as soon as the servers come online.

 Global Play Launch Time

Blizzard will be turning on Global Playwhen the game has launched in all regions. This means that you will not be ableto play in a region outside your home region until after The Americas midnightlaunch at 09:01 CEST on May 15.

 Launch Night Login

As the Diablo III installer was opened early,many people will be ready to log in right when the servers go live at midnight.