SSE-games Halloween celebration
It’s Halloween time. You must have been indulged yourself in your game’s pumpkin festival celebration, from the newly released ArcheAge to the rising star Guild Wars 2 to the MMOG leader World of Warcraft. Don’t be overexcited. Still, there comes more at SSE-games.
Event Time: Oct.23, 2014 ~Oct.31, 2014
Event Details:
1. Coupons
During the event, you can use a coupon (receive one at the site’s home page before you order), and then you will enjoy:
Coupon Sub Total per order
$5 >$49
$10 >$99
$20 >$199
$50 >$499
$100 >$899
Note: Receive a coupon first according to how much you are going to buy and you will get a coupon code. Copy it down and fill it in the right place when you check out. You can choose not to use, but it is only valid during this event. It cannot be used together with any other privileges you have at our site.
2. Trick or Treat
After you successfully pay for the order, you can use the order number to join the lottery we have prepared. Click the pumpkin at the home page, you will have the chance to get some free gold.
Those who win will be shown at the left side of our site.
Happy Halloween! Like our facebook page to get the latest news of our site.