SSE giveaway on facebook

Join us on facebook and tell us your wow story. You would have the chance to win a gift from sse.


1. Participators should comment with wow-related stories or game experiences.

2. The tournament is based on the number of likes you get for your comment.

3. THREE participators who get the most likes are able to receive our giveaway.

4. Only those who get at least 30 likes are qualified to receive our giveaway.

        The more likes you get, the better giveaway you will receive.

               Likes    &    Giveaway

              30 – 50        a wow product within 20

              51 – 80        a wowproduct within 40

              81 – 120      a wow product within 60

              120 – ?        a wow productwithin 80

5. Deadline: 24:00 (CST), Dec.18, 2014   

6. For prices, please refer to

7. SSE-online game service has the exclusive right of explanation for this event.


If this event is shared for more than 100 times in a week, a lucky sharer will be randomly chosen and receive a mount within 100.