Tomb of Sargeras Schedule released starting from June 20
The WoW team has released the schedule for the various opening dates for the next raid, Tomb of Sargeras.
Tuesday, Jun. 20 – Normal and Heroic Difficulties Open
Tuesday, Jun. 27 – Mythic difficulty and Raid Finder Wing 1– Gates of Hell (Goroth, Demonic Inquisition, Harjartan) Open
Tuesday, Jul. 11 – Raid Finder Wing 2– Wailing Halls (Mistress Sass’zine, Sisters of the Moon, Desolate Host) Opens
Tuesday, Jul. 25 – Raid Finder Wing 3– Chamber of the Avatar (Maiden of Vigilance, Avatar of Sargeras) Opens
Tuesday, Aug. 8 – Raid Finder Wing 4—Deceiver’s Fall (Kil’Jaeden) Opens