Warcraft Movie reviews not good?
Warcraft Movie, an epic adventure of world-colliding conflict, is on French theater already.
Expecting for 10 years, how is the movie? The consensus? Not great. How come?
The first media reviews:
The wrap: The usually reliable Foster is reduced to gadding about like a prog-rock Jesus in a series of robes that make him look like he’s posing for the side of someone’s van.
Variety: It’s an unwaveringly earnest film that never owns up to exactly how campy every character, every conflict and every new realm truly
Hollywood Reporter: Jones and cinematographer Simon Duggan strip things down in a few scenes that have the primal eloquence of
classic Westerns: A trip on horseback over mountains becomes an occasion for campsite confessions; a secret meeting in a desolate
canyon brings mutual suspicions and unilateral betrayals into the open.
So Warcraft will still not be the sweeping success that finally breaks the videogame movie curse and disappointed the audience once more?
No, please reserve your judgements until you see it yourselves. Who knows what kind of feeling you have for it. It could be a film purely for
the fans, not for the average viewer.
10 years is not some random time, it contains your true feeling from your bottom heart.
That’s right.
For Alliance.
For Horde.
Let’s watch the Warcraft Movie.