WildStar megaservers have come

Carbine Studios has just recently announced that all their existing servers for Wildstar will be merged together for an upcoming Megaserver update. It’s been 6 weeks since their staff first released the news of introducing the megaservers. And finally it comes, allowing the playerbase to meet up in mass, group with friends, raid with guildmates and achieve more opportunities to enjoy all that WildStar has to offer. Surely there will be more fun.

All realms have been brought down for maintenance beginning on Wednesday, October 15th at 5:00 AM Pacific Time, for a period of 12 to 24 hours. All players with active accounts will also be given 30 extra boomboxes over the course of 30 days and 1-extra day of playtime.

Enjoy your time in Nexus, Cupcakes!

For more details about the update, please turn to the official site here.