WOW 7.0 new dungeons and raids details

At Gamescom on August 6, Blizzard Entertainment unveiled the latest World of Warcraft expansion. New zones, a new class, new dungeons and raids will be updated. Here let’s take a quick look at the dungeons and raids’ details.


1. Halls of Valor

l  Level-up dungeon in the clouds above Stormheim

l  Inspired by Valhalla

l  Greatest vrykul warriors

l  Origin of the val’kyr

2. Black Rook Hold

l  Ancient elven fortress in Val’Sharah

l  Ancestral home of Lord Jur’talos Ravencrest

3. Vault of the Wardens

l  Return to the Demon Hunter prison

l  Warden maximum-security facility

l  Begin the hunt for Illidan

4. Eye of Azshara

5. Darkheart Thicket

6. Neltharion’s Lair

7. Helheim

8. Suramar City

9. Violet Hold



1. The Emerald Nightmare

l  7 bosses

l  Emerald Dream, twisted and shadowed

l  Pursue Cenarius, face Xavius

2. Suramar Palace

l  10 bosses

l  Home to the Nightwell, center of Suramar’s power

l  Face off against Gul’dan

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