ESO: Zenimax announced the justice system to Tamriel 2014-10-13

An incredibly exciting chapter was revealed by Zenimax with the upcoming addition of The Justice System—a unique feature that will see players fulfilling roles on both sides of the law—player crime&am ...

ArcheAge prison break: An exciting experience 2014-08-29

We have known the justice system in ArcheAge, which is to keep all things in-game balanced, but inevitably, you will commit a crime by murdering other players from the same faction or stealing plants ...

Justice system keeps things in balance in ArcheAge 2014-08-20

Highly free, it can involve all kinds of activities in ArcheAge, legal or criminal. If not well-managed, the world would be in a mess. Luckily, that won’t happen in ArcheAge, there is a justice system ...